2nd Class

  • TeacherMrs. Andrea Byrne


The Scholars of St. Kevin's!

  • Just a short note to welcome back each and every scholar of St. Kevin’s! We are looking forward to another very successful year, a year of the very best teaching and learning, where each pupil will dare to know, and dare to know more! We would also like to welcome the newest scholars of St. Kevin’s, from our new Junior Infants to our new additions in our other classes, you are all very welcome!! We have created a short video to introduce you to the newest scholars of St. Kevin’s and of course we have included our present scholars, who are typically super, scintillating, sincere, smart, sophisticated, stylish and sweet. You may well recognise a few familiar faces and funny poses but we hope you enjoy it. We look forward to our new arrivals and new infants becoming the next legacy of legendary St. Kevin’s stars! Just click on the link below to see everyone!!

    St. Kevin’s Classy Classes and Super Scholars 2018/2019!



Spookathon 2018!

  • Once again our Spookathon was a ‘spooktacular’ success this year. Our sincere thanks to our parents and guardians, your support this year was absolutely fantastic. It gets better with each year and we appreciate your support so much. Our thanks too, to our terrifyingly talented teachers, screamingly super special needs assistants and spookastically superb secretary, who all engaged with the Spookathon spirit. And to the awesomely attired scholars of St. Kevin’s, we had Avengers, Batmen and Barbies, Draculas, corpse brides, clowns, pirates, princesses and ‘new pupils’ and scary skeletons, and even a shark!! What a brilliant bunch you were this year! If scaring is caring, we’re an immensely fortunate school! Our thanks to you and all super scholars for a truly great Spookathon! Click on the link to see all the action from our 2018 Spookathon and keep an eye out for yourself among the scarily spooky students!!

    St. Kevin’s Spookathon 2018!



Our Christmas Shows 2018!

  • Our Christmas shows took place on Wednesday before our Christmas holidays. It was a great morning, with the talents of each class shining brightly, from our Junior Infants who performed a super dance, to the simply superb singing and dancing of our Senior Infants, and all sported the coolest Christmas jumpers! This was followed by another perfect performance by the amazing actors in our Second, Third and Fourth classes as we tapped our feet to the brilliant ‘Hosanna Rock’ musical, with our fantastic Fifth Class on band duty! Sixth concluded the class performances with  a wonderful choral performance. There was also some ‘community singing’ from our wonderful parents, brave and brilliant are the only words! It was a great morning and our sincere thanks to all our parents and guardians who offered their support and encouragement on the day! Click on the link to see all the action!

    Our Christmas Shows 2018!



St. Kevin’s Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019!

  • Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge againn i Scoil Naomh Chaoimhín. Bhí orainn go leor imeachtaí. Bhí feis ceoil agus ceolchoirm leis an córscoil againn, bhíomar ag canadh cosúil le Luke Kelly!!  Bhí lá glas againn agus tráth na gceist againn. Bhí sé spraoi iontach. Bhí againn paráid iontach inné – it really was something special. It was a great week, and an especially great day yesterday. Click on the link to see some of the action!

    St. Kevin’s Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019!



Time to Read 2019 at St. Kevin's!

  • We are delighted to say that the Time to Read programme is taking place in St. Kevin’s once again this year. This programme provides children in second class with reading support from a business volunteer. In our case, we are very fortunate to be linked with a great group from Zurich in Blackrock, led by Caroline and Michelle. This reading programme aims to increase our pupils’ fluency, enjoyment and confidence in reading – and gives pupils individual time and attention each week thanks to the dedicated volunteers. It was a great success again this year – and our class library, school library and local library are busier than ever thanks to the efforts of all involved – and there are even unconfirmed reports of pupils reading under the duvet after lights out! We would like to thank all at Zurich for inviting us to their offices again this year and Alessia has put together a wonderful video to capture all the action from a great day! Click on the link for a flavour of this remarkable programme. Our biggest thanks to Caroline, Michelle, Alessia and all our volunteers, we’ll see you again soon on Thursday!!

    St. Kevin’s Time to Read 2019!



Communion Congratulations!

  • Big congratulations to the pupils of our Second Class too who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday. It was a fantastic day, from a beautiful ceremony to the wonderful weather (we’ve been very lucky!). Our sincere thanks to Fr. Gleeson. Compliments to all our scholars in the ‘Super Second’, we enjoyed the ‘fashion show’ in school yesterday too (especially the bow ties!) . And of course, we must say a big thank you to our Parents’ Association for organising a beautiful banquet and breakfast reception for all our new Communicants!

    communion_2019_funny communion_2019


The Next Messi!

  • We are very proud of this guy who will enjoy a fine footballing future! As the ‘Footballer of the Year’ we are delighted that he works hard in school and has a particular talent for maths as much as scoring goals because he will soon be signing contracts with big numbers!! Congratulations to a fine fellow and fine footballer. Your school is very proud of you!
