Admissions, Policies and Reports


Our policies are sets of best practices that are supported by consensus by all members of the school community in St. Kevin’s. Please find our Admission Policy and Annual Admissions notice here. These are policies, mandated by the Education Act. If you would like an application form, please email

We attempt to follow the guidelines indicated in our policies, though they are best treated with common sense and occasional exceptions may apply. Our policies are subject to continuous review and amendment. We have endeavoured to adhere to best practice when interpreting and applying policies and guidelines; there may be occasional exceptions to the rules and guidelines in our policies. Our conceptions of best practice are determined by the school community through shared consensus.

Our Whole School Evaluation Report (WSE), and our School Self Evaluation Report is an opportunity for all at St. Kevin’s to reflect on our educational, managerial and pastoral practice and to report on our strengths and areas for improvement in our school community. Please find a link to a summary report of our WSE. Our Child Safeguarding Statement is also in this section.