Senior Infants

  • TeacherMrs. Phelan and Mrs. McMorrow


The Scholars of St. Kevin's!

  • Just a short note to welcome you to our class page! We are looking forward to another very successful year, a year of the very best teaching and learning, where each pupil will dare to know, and dare to know more! We would also like to welcome the newest scholars of St. Kevin’s, from our new Junior Infants (some are even so famous they made the paper!) to our new additions in our other classes, you are all very welcome!! We have created a short video to introduce you to the newest scholars of St. Kevin’s and of course we have included our present scholars, who are typically super, scintillating, sincere, smart, sophisticated, stylish and sweet. See if you can spot us! You may well recognise a few familiar faces and funny poses but we hope you enjoy it. We look forward to our new arrivals and new infants becoming the next legacy of legendary St. Kevin’s stars! Just click on the link below to see everyone!!

    The Scholars of St. Kevin’s!

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St. Kevin's Spooktacular Spookathon 2017!

  • Once again our Spookathon was a ‘spooktacular’ success this year. Our sincere thanks to our parents and guardians, your support this year was absolutely fantastic. It gets better with each year and we appreciate your support so much. Our thanks too, to our terrifyingly talented teachers, screamingly super special needs assistants and spookastically superb secretary, who all engaged with the Spookathon spirit. And to the awesomely attired scholars of St. Kevin’s, we had Avengers, Batmen and Barbies, Draculas, corpse brides, clowns, pirates, princesses and ‘new pupils’ and scary skeletons, what a brilliant bunch you were this year! If scaring is caring, we’re an immensely fortunate school! Our thanks to you and all super scholars for a truly great Spookathon! Click on the link to see all the action from our 2017 Spookathon and keep an eye out for yourself among the scarily spooky students of Senior Infants!!

    St. Kevin’s Spooktacular Spookathon 2017!



Our Annual Cake Sale 2017!

  • On Friday, our Parents’ Association hosted their annual cake sale in the Parents’ Room. All our parents and guardians were invited to bring or bake a cake – and we must say a tasty thanks to all our parents and guardians who baked and brought cakes of all types and sizes – we had very cool chocolate cakes, fantastic fairy buns, super Swiss rolls and any number of brilliantly baked goods and terrifically tasty treats. Our thanks as always for your support on the day. It was a great success and we certainly had a bunch of happy, cake-filled pupils!!! Click on the link below to see a selection of the delicious cakes and smiley St. Kevin’s scholars from the cake sale!

    Our Annual Cake Sale 2017!



Crazy Hat or Hair Day!

  • Last Friday, the Student Council of St. Kevin’s organised a ‘Crazy Hat or Hair Day’, and what a wonderful day it was! We witnessed the most brilliant barnets, magnificent manes, dazzling do’s, and terrific tresses. There were also wonderful wigs and tremendous toupees! Well done to all, it was a really great day and raised some fantastic funds for the Student Council to purchase some playground equipment! Don’t forget to click on the link to see some super snaps of the fuzz, frizz and fun!

    Crazy Hat or Hair Day!



Seachtain na Gaeilge 2018!

  • Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge againn i Scoil Naomh Chaoimhín. Bhí orainn go leor imeachtaí. Bhí feis ceoil agus ceolchoirm leis an córscoil againn, bhí lá glas againn agus bhí tráth na gceist againn. Bhí sé spraoi iontach. Bhí againn paráid iontach fresin – it really was something special. It was a great week, and an especially great day on Thursday when we enjoyed our parade and concert – despite the best efforts of the weather. Our thanks to all our parents, grandparents and guardians who supported our parade and concert too – thank you!! Click on the link to see some of the action!

    Seachtain na Gaeilge 2018!
